Our Objects:-
- To advance the Christian faith in accordance with the statement of beliefs as described in the word of God (the Bible), here in the south east London and in other parts of the United Kingdom.
- To fulfil such other purpose which are exclusively charitable.
- To relieve persons who are in conditions of need or hardship or who are aged or sick and to relieve the distress caused thereby in the said location and in such other parts of the United Kingdom or the world.
Who we are
Pillars Of Truth was established Twenty years ago with a unique vision to bringing the body of Christ to a place of intimacy and fellowship with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Our comprehensive purpose is to focus on the paramount purpose of the redemption plan which is basically fellowship, intimacy and passion. We believe that all other aspects, gifting and endeavours are offshoots of this simple but profound discipline of intimacy.
We are also a bible believing and word living church that believes in the inerrancy, infallibility and sufficiency of God’s word.
The Pillars of Truth Vision
We envision a place where the hurting, the depressed, the frustrated and the confused can find love, acceptance, help.forgiveness, guidance and encouragement.
We have a burden of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with hundreds of the residents of the Plumstead and the entire South East London.
We have a vision of welcoming one thousand members into fellowship of our church family loving, learning, laughing and living in harmony.
We have a vision of developing people to spiritual maturity through bible studies, small groups, seminars and a bible school for our church members.
We have a vision of equipping every believer for a significant ministry by helping them discover the gifts and talents God gave them.
We have a vision of sending out missionaries and church workers all round the world and empowering every member for a personal life mission in the world.
We have a vision that the Pillars Church will ultimately purchase its own premises with beautiful yet simple facilities including a worship centre, counselling and prayer centre and a training area.
We are confident that these vision will become a reality the reason is simply because we believe the vision is inspired by God.
The Five Dimensions of our Growth
The church grows warmer through fellowship
The church grows deeper through discipleship
The church grows stronger through worship
The church grows broader through ministry
The church grows larger through evangelism
The Bible:
We believe in the divine inspiration of Holy scripture and its consequent entire trust-worthiness and supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
The Trinity:
We believe that the Godhead exists co-equally and co-eternally in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that these three persons are one God, sovereign in creation, providence and redemption.
The Saviour :
We believe in the true and proper deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His real and complete humanity, in His sinless life, and in His authoritative teaching. In His substitutionary and atoning sacrifice through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, in His heavenly intercession and in His second advent to receive the Church.
The Holy Spirit:
We believe in the necessity of the work of God the Holy Spirit in the conviction of sin, repentance, regeneration and sanctification and in the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
We believe in the universal sinfulness and guilt of fallen humanity, making it subject to God’s wrath and condemnation.
We believe in the substitutionary sacrifice of the incarnate Son of God, as the sole and all-sufficient ground of redemption from the guilt and power of sin, and from its eternal consequences. We believe that the sinner is justified solely by the grace of God, through faith in Christ crucified and risen from the dead.
The Church:
We believe in the priesthood of all believers and that all who are regenerated by the Holy Spirit are members of Christ’s Church. Membership of a Church at a local level is essential as part of our commitment to Christ and is necessary for spiritual nurturing, fellowship, worship and growth.
The Ministry:
We believe in the ministries that Christ has set in His Church and in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit according to the New Testament.
The Ordinances:
We believe in the baptism of believers by immersion and in the commemoration of Christ’s death by observance of the Lord’s supper.
The Coming King:
We believe in the personal, physical and visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ to reign in power and glory.
The Future State: We believe in the resurrection of the dead and in the final judgment of the world, the eternal conscious bliss of the righteous and the eternal conscious punishment of the wicked.